References - Community composting and commercial composting plants
商业用厨馀工场, 巴利阿里岛, 西班牙。
- 机器类型: 4 BiocompTM 5 CM.
- 启用日期: 2005.
- 废物体积: 319.000 L/year.
- 装载频率: alternate days.
- 厨馀原料来源: organic household waste from the city's waste separation and collection program.
- 负责人手: City waste services staff.
- 增量材料: wood shavings and gardening cuts.
- 成品的商业用途(厨馀): gardening.
工业用厨馀工场, 阿拉巴省, 西班牙。
- 机器类型: 2 BiocompTM 15/45.
- 启用日期: 2008.
- 废物体积: 360.000 L/year.
- 装载频率: depending on demand.
- 厨馀原料来源: waste and sludge from food industry factories.
- 负责人手: Staff from the local waste handling company.
- 增量材料: wood shavings.
- 成品的商业用途(厨馀): gardening.
商业用厨馀工场, 吉普斯夸省, 西班牙。
- 机器类型: 2 BiocompTM 15/45.
- 启用日期: 2009-2010.
- 废物体积: 360.000 L/year.
- 装载频率: twice a week.
- 厨馀原料来源: organic household waste from the city's waste separation and collection program.
- 负责人手: City waste services staff.
- 增量材料: wood shavings.
- 成品的商业用途(厨馀): gardening.
商业用厨馀工场, 法国。
- 机器类型: 1 BiocompTM 15/45.
- 启用日期: 2011.
- 废物体积: 40.000 L/year.
- 装载频率: depending on demand.
- 厨馀原料来源: garden cuts, household food waste, supermarket organic waste.
- 负责人手: staff from the plant.
- 增量材料: garden cuts.
- 成品的商业用途(厨馀): gardening.